I wasn’t quite sure what to expect as I entered the home of a woman I had never met before. I was invited by two women whom I have newly become acquainted with, but who I already know are sure to become friends. We have similar interests as not only are they involved with the same Company that I have recently joined; but they have a love for others and a love for Jesus that they aren’t afraid to share. I was thrilled when asked to attend the meeting in hopes to learn more about growing my business. Greeted warmly by the hostess and quickly told to grab some snacks, we waited for others to join. There were six women in the room and five joined via computer from various parts of the country – I love that technology can connect us in so many ways! The highlight of the meeting was listening as each woman shared what had happened in their lives this past year and what goals they had for 2018. I learned quite a bit in a very short amount of time, and realized what a blessing these women are to so many. Successes were applauded, struggles discussed, and burdens shared. I truly felt thankful for the time spent together.
It was however, two children who made the biggest impression on me. Although both were under the age of 11 (a sweet girl who's 10 and an incredibly well spoken boy of 6), they were not only well behaved, they each contributed to the success of my evening.
As each adult shared, this 10-year-old girl, clearly going on 20 (in a good way), applauded the successes and took opportunities to interject when she could. She listened intently and as she looked at her mother with both admiration and pride, she shared that she’s been working on an idea for a business of her own. Trust me – I’ll be sharing it with you when she’s ready to launch and have no doubt this young entrepreneur will succeed in whatever it is she puts her mind to. When the adults finished, she was asked what her goals were for 2018 and my heart melted when she said, “I want to help my mom more”. She elaborated on what that looked like; and even shared a few family secrets (not really secrets, more like fun facts) … oh, out of the mouths of babes!
Her brother, who was full of energy but able to stay content with his action figures and drawing, surprised each of us with a colored picture at the end of the evening. Being the momma of four boys – the youngest now almost ready to drive – I can assure you, there is something special when a child gives you a piece of their creativity. I will also tell you that the refrigerator looks quite empty without those masterpieces.
These children reminded me of the importance of being engaged with those around you, no matter how old or where you happen to be; whether it’s stuck in a line at the grocery store, waiting impatiently in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, or if you've been taken to a business meeting by your mom. We can all benefit from listening to one another; and we can certainly make a difference in the lives of the children we’re around by encouraging their strengths and helping them realize their dreams. Children need to know they’re important; that what they think and feel really does matter. If we would try to remember, our children really are the future; we can most certainly be a positive influence on who they become, simply by interacting and believing in them.
“Be careful. Don’t think these little children are worth nothing. I tell you that they have angels in heaven who are always with my Father in heaven.”