My phone alerted me to a text message and after opening it, all I said was, “I look terrible in that picture,” I then exited out of the message.  It wasn’t until I received another message a few days later with another picture that I caught myself saying the same thing and then I realized something… I have spent quite a bit of time – way too much time actually – not taking pictures with friends and family because I’m not happy with my weight… and pictures seem to show it all don’t they?  The really funny thing is, I received three pictures within four days and in each one, I look either 10 pounds heavier or 10 pounds lighter – amazing the difference camera angles make!  I shared this with a co-worker and she told me she had been discussing something similar with her husband and he said something to the effect of, “You look the same in person…what’s the big deal?”  And guess what?  He is so right! 

     How many moments have I failed to document because I was worried about what the photo would look like?  I then took some time to look through the pictures on my phone.  This time however, I didn’t notice the fact that my bangs curved in a weird way – I saw my best friend supporting me on a night that my nerves were going crazy;  I didn’t notice the unflattering angle of the camera– I saw my sweet friend sharing in the celebration of my latest book being published; I didn’t notice the glare on my glasses but a fun night at the movies where a friend may or may not have brought towels for the back of the seats because she’s aware of the danger of lice, (so sorry if I’ve ruined movie going for you – just take a little towel along and it will be fine).  :)  I wasn’t seeing my shirt “crooked,” but the smiling faces of my boys squeezed together with me in the middle; nor was I seeing my new sunglasses; OK…actually, that one I had texted MJ because they are quite fabulous! 

     My point is, I’m no longer going to spend my time worrying about what I look like in photos. I’m going to enjoy the moment and take pictures so that down the road I’m able to look back and recall how wonderful I felt spending those moments with my friends and family. 

     May I suggest that we all take a bit more time to create our own memories and a little less time thinking everyone else is having much more fun than we are….I will apologize now for the amount of pictures my family and friends may get from me.  ;)

Celebrate the moments because after all, those moments are our life!

“So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
— Psalm 90:12


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